The Paintings of CatWorks (2024)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

From mid-summer 2015 through today, 175+ new works have been created - a fair to high percentage of them have sold. I will now be producing approximately about 6 new paintings each quarter. They will all be revealed HERE. If you are interested in price and availability please email me here or by using the contact button above. I will then fill you in on available inventory and the price range.

All of my paintings are created in acrylics either on Ampersand Hardwood Panels with a 1 1/2” birch cradle or high quality gallery wrapped canvas. My first series of painting were created in the 36” x 48” size. In the last few years I have reconfigured my preferred painting size to square. Specifically 36" x 36", 30” x 30” and 24” x 24”. All of my 21 new painting for 2023 and forward have been created at the 30”x30” size. They are all completely original and, of course, one of kind. The panels are prepared with multiple coats of gesso and then a molding paste is applied to areas that will have heavy texture. Recently I have used the technique of pouring flat white latex directly and thickly to areas of the hardwood panels or gallery wrapped canvas. The painting themselves are extremely detailed and with each completed work the detail seems to grow. Like my digital work these painting are easy to live with and will make you smile. The other thing, is that all of paintings are meant to be touched and the texture explored with your find yet another level of enjoyment.
Touch any of the thumbnails below to be taken full painting.



This painting was was completed on DECEMBER 18, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on hardwood.
(painting sold in December 2024 to a local collector)
This is his story…Frankie "the glove" takes his position, nervous yet hopeful, his time has arrived.
The picture called BELIEVE stands for seasonal rebirth and the immortally of youth.
Spring training's idyllic land of hope and dreams has begun.


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Here are some work in progress shots.



This painting was was completed on DECEMBER 2ND, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Pulp magazines were the home of hard-boiled detectives, cunning criminals, and damsels in distress. Here we are introduced to Sammuel (or Sam to his homies). We find our boy after a hard evening rounding up perverts and pinkos at the local Bijou.

Sam has just gotten off the blower with Astrid, a long-haired yet shapely diva with a lisp.
He muses… “If she lost the power of speech, I’d marry her tomorrow.”


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Here are some work in progress shots.


Nepo Feline named Raoul-sold

This painting was was completed on November 14, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
(Sold in private collection on November 14, 2025 - exactly one year from completion. Believe these collectors’ now have three!)

This is his story…Raoul le chat, was the familiar of one Poupart et Delaunay, a famous 18th century Paris-based hatter. His true claim to fame is that he would model the “bicorne à la française” for Napoléon, strutting about the salon while humming La Marseillaise to the emperor’s great pleasure. Over the years he modeled over 120 bicorns, in varying weights and fabric to suit the weather and the time of year. A very old Raoul passed away on hearing an account of Napoléon’s retreat from Russia.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


Hello Kitty

This painting was was completed on November 3, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is her story…Suzzy Shimizo is a fashion designer, she has unearthed a bit of flotsam called Hello Kitty, with a note attached that seems to detail a portion of her backstory. “Hello Kitty real name is Kitty White, and she is an eight-year-old girl who lives in the suburbs of London with her parents and twin sister.
She has a pet cat named Chammy Kitty and boyfriend named Dear Daniel.” The mystery deepens.


Here are some work in progress shots.


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Her Royal Majesty

This painting was was completed on September 25, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
(if someone does not buy it in the next few months - I may paint over.)


Arrrgh Matey

This painting was was completed on September 15, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…I, Murdock Longshankes, a sea-man in good standin’,in the spirit of the whimsical winds and the laughter-filled waves, do solemnly pledge to be a jolly pirate, not of the fearsome sort, but of the merry and comical kind. I promise to wear me eye patch with a wink, me hook hand with a thumbs-up, and me peg leg with a jaunty dance. In the name of parrots, rubber chickens, and talking skulls, I swear to embrace the art of silliness on the high seas. So swear we all!


The Tudor Feline

This painting was was completed on August 28, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Thomas Furwell was well known as the Tudor Feline. He rose to prominence as the Kings Advisor for “The Affairs of Cats”. The felines of that time were a high-stepping, thickly furred breed of noisy malcontents. But not at court...where getting out of line could mean “off with his paw” or “hang ‘em by the tail.”Apart from his far-flung family, Thomas was not well loved. But…he had the King’s ear and a throaty purr…therefore he lived a full nine lives.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


space oddity

This painting was was completed on August 20, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on cradled hardwood.
This is his story…Most of us know the story of Major Tom, who was brought to the attention to the British crooner -one D. Bowie. BUT…what if that was not the real end of the story. WHAT IF… Violent solar flares disrupts communications. Space time continuum shifts the ships position, and deposits our Tom on Phobos, a moon of Mars. I would think mister D. Bowie would have to add a verse.


Time after time

This painting was was completed on August 2,, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on cradled hardwood.
This is his story…H.G. Wells has been credited with building the first time machine that he was going to use to travel to a utopian future.
But it was his  assistant Melvin who proved to be the hero of this tale. Melvin had a gift of miniaturization, as shown by his “time fedora”
that can be controlled by his oversized pocket watch.
In this adventure we find him in land of the giant sunflowers.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


amazing Tails

This painting was was completed on July 15, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…In the poster called AMAZING TAILS, we feature Linus the steampunk mouse, a patriotic image for sure.
His early pen name was K.W. Jeter and his claim to fame is revealed with in this statement…”Personally, I think Victorian fantasies are going to be the next big thing, as long as we can come up with a fitting collective term for our recent musings.
Something based on the appropriate technology of the era; like ‘steam-punks.’ Perhaps…


galahadra the feline elf

This painting was was completed on May 23, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Galahadra is the feline elven “high priestess” of the library of Northumbria, and as such, had long worked with many rare rumored manuscripts.
Most recently a “grimoire”…a text book of magic if you will, was unearthed.
With her amulets and talismans in place she begins at Chapter I…”How to Summon or Invoke Supernatural Entities”.
We wish her the best of luck.


Here is more artwork info and backstory.


Here are some work in progress shots.



Trust the universe-sold

This painting was was completed on May 23, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
(painting sold in December 2024 to a local collector)
This is his story…Markie Markus has been having mystic thoughts, magical thinking if you will. This is of course, when a person believes that specific thoughts, words, emotions, or ritual behaviors have a special influence on the world around them. A light bulbs go on over Markie’s head; this explains his religion of the week, his political cults, his flat earth society membership….all becomes clear when you “Trust The Universe”


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Here are some work in progress shots.


in her easter bonnet with all the FRILLS upon it

This painting was was completed on May 10, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Megan McNab was a thrice married thespian with an up and down acting career.
To date her only success had been limited to the forgettable “Disco Beavers From Outer Space”. With her casting in Easter Parade  fortunes changed
dramatically, a major hit, an Academy award, film immortality. However there is an apocryphal story from the filming, about a rash of unexplained  bunny deaths - that clouded production.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


This is ground control to Major tom

This painting was was completed on April 15, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Even at an early age, Thomas Furbutt Jr. was a bit of an adventurer. This led to confrontations with school administrators,
then law enforcement until finally a judge gave him a choice - jail time or the US Air Force. His reckless nature served him well as a test pilot and astronaut.
His one, off-earth mission brought him to the attention of the British crooner, one D. Bowie…
“This is ground control to Major Tom:
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear,
But it's time to leave the capsule if you dare.
This is Major Tom to ground control:
I've left for ever more
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way,
And the stars look very different today.”


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Here are some work in progress shots.


Alice has taken the red pill-sold

This painting was was completed on March 29, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
(painting sold in April 2024 to a local collector)
This is her story…As Morpheus describes, “You take the blue pill, the story ends.
You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland. Alice has taken the red pill.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


The Art Critic

This painting was was completed on March 10th, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…I’d like you  to meet the lovely Claudia of the Knotted-Fur clan.
As the ranking critic for the various culture rags serving the neighborhood, she knows the HOT item when she see it.
Today we find her at the opening of “Cats: I’ve Known a Few” from the brush of contemporary artist R. Brooks.
I wonder what she will have to say.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


Doctor Watson, I presume

This painting was was completed on February 28th, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Doctor John Watson was an English physician and long-furred feline, born in 1852 and served as an army surgeon in India. 
Some say that Holmes and Watson's relationship is more than a just friendship or business, but we suspect this is poppycock.
John is friendly, compassionate and patient, compared to Sherlock’s aloof, cold-hearted tendencies. Shown here,  outside of 221B Baker Street.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


murder by taxi

This painting was was completed on February 15th, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…“Miguel Proust is a mixed breed Tom of immigrant heritage. He is also a Manhattan Detective with a unique set of abilities.
This case has been baffling on many levels. Why on this specific crowded corner? How this suspect disappear SO QUICKLY?
The final mysterious twist, when the gray-furred-physic handed Miguel the note…….”Death Cab for Cutie”


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Here are some work in progress shots.


Enter the Tiger

This painting was was completed on January 26th, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Historical note: Argosy Magazine in 1896 started using cheap pulp paper, making it the first PULP magazine.
One of Argosy’s earliest contributors was one Max Brand, who often set his improbable adventure stories in the Wild West.
His serialization of “Enter the Tiger” was considered among the finest “feline vs. beast” novels ever published.
Cover illustration by Thompson, starkly conveys this intense rivalry …as a by-product,
this cover was used by parents to frighten many a young kit into compliance.


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Here are some work in progress shots.


Pecos Bill and the alien

This painting was was completed on January 9th, 2024, 30”x 30”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
This is his story…Pecos Bill is said to be fictional cowboy and folk hero in stories set during American westward expansion.
Rumored to have been raised by coyotes after his parents lost him near the Pecos River.
Latter, he rode a mountain lion, used a rattlesnake as a lasso, bested the toughest of hombres.
Pecos Bill was an exaggerated personification of Western stamina and values.
HOWEVER…little is known about his dual with the Alien as was chronicled by Western Magazine.


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Here are some work in progress shots.